February Archives

Publications in February
XULIO RÍOS Will it be a spy balloon or not? Maybe with time it will be known. China says it entered US airspace accidentally and due to force majeure, which is for civil and scientific purposes. The Pentagon acknowledged that it did not pose a significant risk in terms of intelligence, but denied the major one.
ANA GARRALDA Those who have lived long periods of time in Jerusalem, a city as holy as it is devilish, tend to choke on the hackneyed concept of a "new spiral of violence" every time the murders of Palestinians or Israelis appear again in the summaries of the news in radio and television or in the pages of the international press.
XULIO RÍOS One of the key issues on the agenda of this postponed China-United States summit should be that of Taiwan, the "number one red line", as the Chinese authorities describe it. The lack of commitment in handling this dispute could fully condition bilateral relations, which just reached one of their lowest levels in recent times after the visit of the then Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to the island. last August.