January Archives

January Publications
EUGENIO GARCÍA GASCÓN After the elections on November 1, in which the block led by Benjamin Netanyahu was clearly victorious, a bitter debate has begun about the nature that the Jewish state can acquire with the next government. The victory of the ultra-nationalist right and the ultra-orthodox religious parties is alarming citizens of secular and moderate ideology, who are in a clear minority and from whose ranks an end is predicted for the peculiar democratic system that has existed since the establishment of Israel in 1948 .
JUAN MIGUEL MUÑOZ São Paulo There were no precedents for such an event in Brazil. A week after the inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brasilia, the headquarters of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers became the scene of vandalism by several thousand supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro who invaded the interior of the Chambers, the Supreme Court building, and the Planalto Palace, seat of the Presidency of the Republic.
JUAN MIGUEL MUÑOZ Brasilia In a Brasilia dressed in red, with tens of thousands of jubilant people arriving from all the states of the immense republic, Luiz Inázio Lula da Silva began his third term as president on New Year's Day, at the age of 77. President of Brazil (ruled between 2003 and 2010).