March Archives

Publications in March
JAYRO SÁNCHEZ Laura Lanuza is one of the most veteran activists and the head of communication for the humanitarian organization OpenArms, which was born in 2015 by the Spanish lifeguard and businessman Óscar Camps with the aim of protecting the lives of people abandoned in international waters fleeing war conflicts, persecution or poverty. We spoke to her about the rise in migrant deaths in the Mediterranean Sea.
BOAVENTURA DE SOUSA SANTOS Intellectuals do not have a monopoly on culture, values ​​or truth, much less on the meanings attributed to any of these "domains of the spirit", as they used to be called. But neither should intellectuals refrain from denouncing what they consider to be destructive of culture, values, and truth, especially when this destruction is intended to be carried out in the name of those "domains of the spirit."
EUGENIO GARCÍA GASCÓN Iran and Saudi Arabia announced this Friday the reestablishment of bilateral relations that both countries abruptly interrupted in 2016. The agreement was reached in Beijing, so China scores a significant diplomatic goal through which it continues to establish its influence in the East Next to the detriment of the United States. Surprised by the announcement, in Washington they reacted shortly after with an uncomfortable, lukewarm and inconsequential response.