March Archives

Publications in March

March 2th, 2023
RAFAEL POCH-DE-FELIU One of the problems of the war in Ukraine is that we are not facing one war, but several. There is a reactionary war by Russia against Ukraine, open since the invasion of February 2022. There are elements of civil war between Ukrainians since the spring of 2014, caused by the non-recognition of the valuable internal diversity of Ukrainians in their different regions, without which the Russian invasion would have been very difficult, if not impossible. There is a war of hegemonism between NATO and Russia, without which the previous two would surely not have been able to fire, sponsored by the United States with its expansionist pressure towards the East since the false closure of the Cold War thirty years ago. And there is a warm-up of a great global war with China to neutralize its rise as the leader of a non-Western pole in the world and of which the war in Ukraine is a prolegomena.
MIGUEL MOLLEDA On September 29, 2022, the Swedish coast guard released some disturbing images of bubbling and foamy waters gushing over the surface of the Baltic Sea. They were effervescences from a huge gas leak under the cold northern currents, emerging to the sea surface. The Russian Nord Stream pipelines supplying cheap gas to Europe had just been dynamited and disabled. From that moment on, the major American media began a tiresome exercise in journalistic tightrope walking with one main mantra: “it is a mystery”.