(Never more)

The richest and most powerful countries in the Western world, those who believe themselves to be keepers of the flame of the modern world's commitment to democracy and human rights, are openly financing and applauding Israel's genocide in Gaza. The Gaza Strip has become a concentration camp. Those who have not yet been killed are dying of hunger. Almost the entire population of Gaza has been displaced. Their homes, hospitals, universities, museums and infrastructure of all kinds have been reduced to rubble.

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Joaquín Araujo: the rise in temperatures and droughts herald a not-so-distant hydric collapse

Joaquín Araújo is a Spanish naturist, writer and journalist who has dedicated a large part of his life to making humanity aware of the dangers and suffering that the ecological degradation of the planet can cause. In this summer season in the northern hemisphere, with all the alarms going off due to the unstoppable rise in temperatures and the lack of water, we talked to him about the threat of climate change.

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The enemy within

The war industry, a state within a state, eviscerates the nation, lurches from one military fiasco to another, strips us of civil liberties, and pushes us into suicidal wars with Russia and China.
The United States is a stratocracy, a form of government dominated by the military. It is axiomatic between the two ruling parties that there must be constant preparation for war.

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