December Archives

Publications in December
CECILIA VALDEZ The measures announced by the new government imply an adjustment and a fierce devaluation, but also an unprecedented State Reform that completely deregulates the economy with measures that will fully impact the most affected sectors of the economy that already coexist with year-on-year inflation. of 160%.  
PASCUAL SERRANO If there is any country that boasts of defending human rights around the world, it is the United States. In the name of these rights, it imposes sanctions on countries, freezes funds from other governments abroad, orders the arrest of world leaders and even their relatives, and intervenes militarily anywhere in the world. On the occasion of International Human Rights Day this December, let's take a look at that country that takes on the role of global watchdog.
JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER I don't think anything I say about what's happening in Gaza is going to affect Israeli or American policy in that conflict. But I want it on the record so that when historians look back on this moral calamity, they will see that some Americans were on the right side of history. What Israel is doing in Gaza to the Palestinian civilian population – with the support of the Biden administration – is a crime against humanity that serves no meaningful military purpose. As J-Street, a leading Israel lobby organization, says: "The scope of the humanitarian disaster and civilian casualties taking place is almost unfathomable."