January Archives

January Publications
EUGENIO GARCÍA GASCÓN Every day it becomes more evident that liberal democracy is going through a deep crisis. We don't know if he will recover, but the signals we are receiving are not positive. In different places there are signs of fatigue and even weariness, one of the most sublime manifestations being that observed in Israel, although examples abound everywhere, from the United States to Eastern Europe.
BRANKO MARCETIC When the United States becomes militarily involved in a conflict, it often finds it difficult to get out, let alone avoid deep entanglements that far exceed the lines it had drawn at the outset of the intervention. It happened in Vietnam, when American military advisers helping the South Vietnamese fight the Viet Cong eventually became American soldiers fighting an American war. It happened in Afghanistan, when an initial invasion to capture al-Qaeda and topple the Taliban turned into a nearly two-decade nation-building project. And it could be happening right now in Ukraine. 

January 19, 2023
CÉSAR ROBLES Lima A new political actor has emerged as a result of the massive social protests that occurred in southern Peru, and particularly in the Puno region. They are the so-called "autoconvocados", individuals who do not represent political organizations or collectives, trade unions or cultural or neighborhood associations, but who clearly and openly express their political positions and have a significant and gravitating presence in the protest movement against Dina Bolaurte. .