The Zangezur corridor, the key piece of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

For Baku there are only two alternative routes to the long detour to bring its gas to Europe. The first is to transfer the gas to Turkey through northern Iran, although it is unfeasible. Tehran is one of Russia's closest partners in the region and has always distrusted Azerbaijan and its relations with the Azeri-Iranian minority, which it sees as a pan-Turkic fifth column within its own population.

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Luis Gonzalo Segura: analyzing the war in Ukraine independently has a very high cost

Luis Gonzalo Segura is a former lieutenant in the Spanish Army. He was expelled from the Armed Forces for denouncing his corruption publicly in 2015. He is now a writer and collaborates in various media outlets. In his latest book, The Ukrainian Trap (Akal, 2023), he presents the key events of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine since 2014. We spoke with him about the war and the latest events.

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NATO breaks its historic promises and expands to Russia's doorstep

Former US President George HW Bush and the last leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Mikhail Gorbachev, organized their first face-to-face meeting in early December 1989. The meeting was held in one of the cabins of the cruise liner Máxim Gorki, anchored near the port of the Maltese town of Marsaxlokk due to the strong storms that raged the waters of the central Mediterranean during those days.

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Rwanda, the new Fachoda complex between France and Great Britain

The main European states that colonized Africa, France and Great Britain, still want to maintain some kind of influence on the continent. The former has sheltered for decades several Rwandan war criminals involved in the genocide against Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 1994, and the latter maintains good relations with President Kagame despite the fact that his regime has been repeatedly accused of not respecting human rights.

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Mario Amorós: the implementation of the Allende experience was unacceptable for the US

Mario Amorós is a Spanish journalist and historian specialized in the history of Chile. He has written numerous works about this country, including internationally renowned biographies on Salvador Allende, Miguel Enríquez, Augusto Pinochet, Pablo Neruda and Víctor Jara. The first of them has been republished by Captain Swing on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état.

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Martín Medem: the idea of ​​public service that governed the media has been adulterated

José Manuel Martín Medem is a veteran Spanish journalist specialized in Latin American information. He was a correspondent for RTVE in Mexico, Colombia and Cuba for a decade and is now a member of its Board of Directors. In 1982, he was awarded the National Human Rights Journalism Award.

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Carmen Domingo: “In the world of football, equality between men and women has never been assumed”

Carmen Domingo is a Spanish philologist and feminist writer. Many of her works have focused on research and dissemination of the history of women in our country during the 2022th century. In recognition of them, she was appointed curator of Women Writers' Day at the National Library in XNUMX. We spoke with her about the Rubiales case.

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Suso de Toro: I declare myself against the idea of ​​a unitary and centralist Spain embodied by the House of Bourbon


Suso de Toro is a Galician writer with more than twenty published books of fiction, theater and essays. He has received various distinctions, including the Spanish National Fiction Prize for his novel “Trece badaladas” (Thirteen Bells) or the Critics' Prize for “Tic-Tac”.

In 2019 he ran in the general elections, closing the list for A Coruña of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG). We chatted with him about the territorial model and the fact that Galician, Catalan and Basque can be spoken for the first time these days in the Spanish Parliament. 

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“The Fukushima spills cause serious deterioration to the marine environment”

Shaun Burnie has been the nuclear specialist at the NGO Greenpeace since 1991. He has worked in East Asia for more than 30 years, and has been well acquainted with the Fukushima facilities since the 1990s. We spoke to him about the Tokyo Government's decision to dumping contaminated water from the plant into the Pacific.

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Fentanyl: the largest narcotics crisis in US history


Two years ago, YouTuber KimGary began posting on his channel the well-known videos about the massive presence of drug addicts on Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia. Under other circumstances, his recordings would be unremarkable and would not have been broadcast around the globe. But this town in the state of Pennsylvania is not the only one affected by the serious "narcocrisis" that the United States is facing.

In 2021 alone (the latest date for which reliable data is available), 106.699 of your fellow citizens died from an overdose. Records of this type of death have increased by 33,8% since 2019, which means that the problem not only persists, but has worsened.

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Joaquín Araujo: the rise in temperatures and droughts herald a not-so-distant hydric collapse

Joaquín Araújo is a Spanish naturist, writer and journalist who has dedicated a large part of his life to making humanity aware of the dangers and suffering that the ecological degradation of the planet can cause. In this summer season in the northern hemisphere, with all the alarms going off due to the unstoppable rise in temperatures and the lack of water, we talked to him about the threat of climate change.

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The dark secrets of the US biological laboratories

The public debate on the origin of the global pandemic of COVID-19 continues to unfold almost four years after it began. The most supported theory is that the virus that caused it arose naturally, being transferred to the first human being who contracted the disease from an infected animal.

American science journalist Alison Young defends a second version of the disease's origin story in her book Pandora's Gamble: Lab Leaks, Pandemics, and a World at Risk.

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