September Archives

Publications in September
Xulio Ríos while multiplying military exercises clearly oriented to Taiwan (and also with a message for the US and its policies, which Beijing describes as encouraging independence), China has announced its intention to convert the province of Fujian into a demonstration zone for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait. The objective is, at the same time, to illustrate and legitimize the discourse on their desire to achieve peaceful reunification, while weakening the secessionist movement that, for the moment, has the upper hand in Taiwan.
JAYRO SÁNCHEZ Two years ago, YouTuber KimGary began posting on his channel the well-known videos about the massive presence of drug addicts on Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia. Under other circumstances, his recordings would be unremarkable and would not have been broadcast around the globe. But this town in the state of Pennsylvania is not the only one affected by the serious "narcocrisis" that the United States is facing. In 2021 alone (the latest date for which reliable data is available), 106.699 of your fellow citizens died from an overdose. Records of this type of death have increased by 33,8% since 2019, which means that the problem not only persists, but has worsened.
CAITLIN JOHNSTONE The more inner work you do and the more awareness you bring to your own internal processes, the more you understand the extent to which human consciousness is dominated by mental narrative. And the more you understand the extent to which it is dominated, the more aware you become of how much power someone could gain over other people by controlling those narratives. After a while, you begin to understand that no one sees reality as it is. Not even you. What we are perceiving are a bunch of mental stories that we have formed about the world, based on information that we have absorbed through prescriptive filters greatly distorted by our conditioning, prejudices and cognitive habits.