Hate speeches (and crimes) in the Milei era

5 min read CECILIA VALDEZ 0

Andrea Amarante (42), Pamela Cobas (52), Roxana Figueroa (52) and Sofía Castro (49), shared a room in the Barracas neighborhood (Buenos Aires), until May 5 when they were victims of lesbicide. Pamela and her partner, Roxana, were sleeping in a double bed when they woke up engulfed in flames and tried to leave the room, but were pushed inside by Justo Fernando Barrientos.
Barrientos lived in an adjoining room and at midnight that day he opened the door to the room where the women lived, threw a homemade explosive at them and started the fire. Pamela, Mercedes and Andrea died as a result of the fire and Sofía remained hospitalized for a few days at the Hospital del Quemado, after which she was discharged.


Elections in France

5 min read Augusto Zamora R. 0

Has there been a new revolution in France? Have Robespierre's heirs taken power and are they going to establish a new social and economic order, one that dispossesses the banks, overthrows the obscene ruling class and strives to establish a less exploitative, unequal and corrupt system?

No, nothing like that, not anything like it. It has happened that an unnatural alliance of communists, social democrats, liberals, greens, ultra-capitalists and high-millionaire soccer players asked to vote against Le Pen's extreme right party and, as it could not be otherwise, they succeeded, so that the Lepenists did not reach the absolute majority necessary to be able to access the government (which, let us not forget, is not the same as accessing power, which are other mysteries, the true ones, which never go to elections).


Gaza: negotiations and deterrence

One issue Netanyahu is considering is the US elections in November. The prime minister hopes that by the end of the year the superpower will turn around and that Donald Trump will be president. If this happens, it is very likely that Trump will free Netanyahu's hands to expel all or most of the Palestinians from Gaza.

Shooting Europe in the foot with sanctions against Russia

12 min read PASCUAL SERRANO 0

For several years, even before the start of Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the European Union has been applying economic sanctions against Russia with the conviction that, in this way, they would achieve the collapse of its economy, generate social unrest and that would facilitate achieving its great objective, the fall of Putin's government.

The sanctions began in March 2014 and from the beginning caused problems for Europeans. The limitation of trade relations meant a significant loss of income for European farmers who cannot sell their products to Russia, or the limitation of visas for Russian tourists, with the impact that this entails on tourism, among others.

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Presidents who bet on nuclear Armageddon

7 min read JEFFREY D SACHS 0

Since 1992, every president has left the United States and the world closer to nuclear annihilation than his predecessor. The Doomsday Clock read 17 minutes to midnight when Clinton came to power, but only 9 minutes when he left. Bush reduced the clock to just 5 minutes, Obama to 3 minutes, and Trump to just 100 seconds. Now Biden has reduced the clock to 90 seconds.

Biden has led the United States into three devastating crises, any of which could end in Armageddon. Washington seems to be single-minded these days: more funding for the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, more weaponry for Taiwan.

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More than just an outstanding step

5 min read XULIO RIOS 0

The third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee has come to an end. The final statement suggests a sketch for the comprehensive reform and a layout of its perimeter. There are aspects that are notable: from the widening of the market to the commitment to innovation as a talisman, the intensification of social issues and structural reforms in the most diverse fields.

All of this is indicative of the relevance of the measures that await us, of varying thickness, which will be complemented by an update of the institutional framework so that the systemic improvement of governance is instituted as a driving mechanism and does not hinder innovations.


The transformation of Syriza


In 2014, a new era began in Greek politics that seemed to bode well for the rest of the continent. Syriza, a confluence of movements and parties of the alternative left, had clearly won the elections with an anti-austerity program in the midst of the financial crisis, while the historic party of the Greek left, PASOK, collapsed, obtaining only 6% of the vote. the votes.

A decade later, that new era has turned out to be more of a mirage, and both Syriza and the entire Greek left face a journey through the desert. 


A triumph against the current in Latin America


The triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum in the presidential elections in Mexico marks a watershed in the country's history, strengthens the Latin American left and opposes the advances that the extreme right has had in the region in recent years.

The results contradict the worn-out premise that one of the effects of the post-Covid-19 pandemic is the assured defeat of the ruling parties, without ideological distinction.


Alex Anfruns: we are witnessing the collapse of neocolonial architecture in France

21 min read PASCUAL SERRANO 0

In recent years, three West African countries, in the Sahel region, have experienced coups d'état with a common denominator: the national and sovereign uprising against France, its former metropolis, still dominant in the economy, defense and international relations. These are Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
We spoke with Alex Anfruns, author of the book “Niger: another coup d'état… or the pan-African revolution?”


Climate chaos: the world warms as Europe faces a new Ice Age

6 min read JULIAN CRIBB 0

The hottest month of January ever recorded in the history of humanity has passed, without governments around the world and the international media having given so much as a wink.


The infamous epilogue of the West

4 min read Javier García 0

The genocide that we witnessed live in Gaza is the infamous epilogue of the decline of Western dominance over the world, its most illustrative image. It is the absolute collapse of all the values ​​that the West once proclaimed.

No one who supports what is happening by action or omission, no one who, having been able to do something to prevent it, has not done so, will be able to talk about human rights again after this without their face falling with shame.


Voices from the rubble


Khan Yunis
You define the nightmare, by the debris and dust that accumulates in your chest and fills your exhausted lungs as you try to close your eyes for 5 minutes and suddenly open them to a world of total destruction. This deadly assault does not refer only to Gaza or the Palestinians, but simply includes all human models of justice, human rights and freedom.


(Never more)

4 min read ARUNDHATI ROY 0

The richest and most powerful countries in the Western world, those who believe themselves to be keepers of the flame of the modern world's commitment to democracy and human rights, are openly financing and applauding Israel's genocide in Gaza. The Gaza Strip has become a concentration camp. Those who have not yet been killed are dying of hunger. Almost the entire population of Gaza has been displaced. Their homes, hospitals, universities, museums and infrastructure of all kinds have been reduced to rubble.


eloquent genocides

19 min read RAFAEL POCH-DE-FELIU 0

Historically, annihilating purposes are denied and hidden by their protagonists. The Young Turks, or the Nazis, for example, left hardly any declarative and printed evidence of their intentions against Armenians and Jews. Discretion prevailed.


The seven lives of Mohammed Deif

The Israelis believed that Mohammed Deif had serious functional difficulties that forced him to move around in a wheelchair, but videos released this week by the army show the head of the Hamas militias in the Gaza Strip fully functional, which has exposed the secret services to criticisms that must be added to those already accumulated in recent months.

Mohammed Deif has survived seven army attacks and on several occasions Israel has left him for dead, only to have to rectify them later.


A new multipolar Middle East

7 min read Javier García

The agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, sponsored by China - which could also soon end the war in Yemen - is an event of special historical relevance and a clear example of how conflicts can be resolved in a multipolar world not constrained to the designs of a single hegemonic power. A model that they were certainly not used to in the region. China has emerged, to everyone's surprise, as the mediator that the Middle East needed. Something that for the United States, clearly aligned with one of the sides, has become totally impossible. Chinese mediation shows the constructive role that powers can play in the Middle East when they are not mired in regional rivalries.


Don't read this


Everything you read, write, speak, record, photograph, or communicate on a computing device will surely end up in the hands of a U.S. law enforcement agency or its accomplices. The same will happen with your own data, that of your loved ones and your recipients, with information about everything you own, use, buy, rent, consume, borrow, throw away or want. Everything will be recorded and preserved even after you have forgotten it or die, for the exclusive use of surveillance agencies or monopolies.


The transformation of Russia and the scenes of war

It took them years in Moscow to understand the seriousness of the Western globalist project that envisioned a subaltern Russia with a comprador national elite subordinated to the large Western transnationals. They were slow to understand that there was no intention of recognizing "sovereignties" or private preserves of the Russian oligarchic elite derived from the traditional state control that this elite has of business, privatizations and embezzlement in the largest country in the world.

Westerners wanted unrestricted free access for their multinationals to Eurasian resources, and of course recognized no political, economic, or military "zones of influence" beyond their own hegemonic domain. Moscow's initial collaboration was seen as weakness and Putin's repeated complaints ignored for years.


“We are going to continue here as long as it takes”

9 min read Jayro sanchez 0

Several hundred students from Madrid universities have been camping for Palestine in the Complutense for weeks. They take turns taking their exams and also receive support from several teachers. They assure that they plan to stay there as long as necessary.

The camps, started on US campuses, have spread throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America. They are the largest global student protest of the 21st century.


Why Israel wants to erase context and history in the war against Gaza

7 min read ILAN PAPPE

Dehistoricizing what is happening helps Israel and Western governments implement policies that they rejected in the past for ethical, tactical or strategic considerations. Thus, Israel uses the October 7 attack as a pretext to apply genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. It is also a pretext for the United States to try to reaffirm its presence in the Middle East. And it is a pretext for some European countries to violate and limit democratic freedoms in the name of a new “war on terror.”


Where is China going?


What does the statement made by North American President Joe Biden saying that the Chinese economy “is a time bomb” and the recent reaction of tycoon Elon Musk calling for tariffs or trade barriers to be imposed on the main electric car manufacturing company have in common? Chinese BYD? The answer is very simple: China alienates and confuses the West, which tends to adopt a distorted and somewhat whimsical vision of the Asian country's political and economic system, at once ahistorical and decontextualized, particularly regarding what is happening with its economic growth, its productive system and its institutional structure.


COP28, a “tragedy for the planet”

Up to 100.000 people - most of whom derive their professional status and income from politics, defense and climate-related businesses - flew to Dubai to attend COP28, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention United Nations on Climate Change. And the result? An unmitigated disaster.

In the final session, a weak and incoherent compromise resolution between oil-producing countries and smaller states and climate advocates – which did not call for phasing out fossil fuels – was accepted without dissent.


The German party that came out of the left and doubled its votes in five months

7 min read PASCUAL SERRANO 0

By now we all know the results of the elections to the European Parliament and we have drawn the main conclusions: victory for the right, leap for the extreme right, maintenance of social democracy and failure of the left and the greens. With slight variations, this panorama is the most generalized in the different European countries.

However, there is a phenomenon in these elections that is being analyzed little and that deserves to be studied because it may be perfectly viable to be carried out in many countries. This is the German party Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance for Reason and Justice (BSW), a party that was founded five months ago as a split from the left (Die Linke) and has surpassed them by more than double the votes.


Another Philippine War?

11 min read XULIO RIOS

Today, leaving aside Taiwan, the deterioration of the relationship between Beijing and Manila represents the main focus of tension in the South China Sea.

During former President Rodrigo Duterte's six-year term, the situation remained relatively stable and no major disputes occurred. However, since Marcos Jr. came to power in June 2022, disputes have frequently arisen, from Ren'ai Jiao to Huangyan Dao. 


Israel strives to tame US president

On the one hand, we have these criticisms of Israel, including those from the US, and on the other, the daily supply of bombs that, according to a good part of Western public opinion - including some American senators such as Elizabeth Warren - serves to facilitate the exercise of continued genocide. The images circulating are terrible and it is understandable that Hebrew television stations censor themselves. The average Israeli is in favor of war and the systematic destruction of the Gaza Strip, according to polls, and does not want to see disturbing images at dinner time.


Luis Gonzalo Segura: analyzing the war in Ukraine independently has a very high cost

10 min read Jayro sanchez 0

Luis Gonzalo Segura is a former lieutenant in the Spanish Army. He was expelled from the Armed Forces for denouncing his corruption publicly in 2015. He is now a writer and collaborates in various media outlets. In his latest book, The Ukrainian Trap (Akal, 2023), he presents the key events of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine since 2014. We spoke with him about the war and the latest events.