A historic ruling puts a stop to lithium exploitation in Argentina

For years, the exploitation of lithium in Argentina has aroused enormous discontent among the native population due to its impact on the environment and living conditions. Following a demand from socio-environmental assemblies and indigenous peoples, the highest provincial court of Catamarca has prohibited the delivery of new permits for its exploitation and ordered that studies be carried out on the impact of all projects in the region.

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On Chinese threats and American friends

As things stand with the new panorama announced on April 18, the American company Chevron is the only one that is granted permission to market, leaving the Spanish Repsol, the Italian Eni and the Spanish company out of the market and under threat of sanction. the French Maurel/Prom, all of them in commercial negotiations with PDVSA.

With the alibi of pressuring the Venezuelan government to be more democratic on the eve of its presidential elections on July 18, the “American friend” whom it truly sanctions is the European oil companies, which it prevents from marketing Venezuelan oil.

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Milei goes for everything and against everyone

The surplus hides an adjustment that has slowed consumption, destroyed salaries, increased rates, punished one of the most vulnerable sectors of society - the retirees - and fueled a time bomb in a country where more than half of the population is poor (57%).
Many of those who supported him (and still support him) are beginning to question the deadlines. The great unknown is whether Argentine society will be able to find some coordinated response to such an onslaught.

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The judicial farce against Julian Assange

If the US authorities manage to convict a journalist for exposing war crimes, this would have another serious consequence. In the future, it would be even more difficult and dangerous to expose the sordid reality of wars, especially those wars that Western governments like to sell as civilizing missions with the help of embedded journalists. If we don't know the truth about these wars, it will be much easier to fight them.

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Mario Amorós: the implementation of the Allende experience was unacceptable for the US

Mario Amorós is a Spanish journalist and historian specialized in the history of Chile. He has written numerous works about this country, including internationally renowned biographies on Salvador Allende, Miguel Enríquez, Augusto Pinochet, Pablo Neruda and Víctor Jara. The first of them has been republished by Captain Swing on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état.

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Alejandro Horowicz: Milei was left with the most degraded of the caste

Doctor in Social Sciences, teacher and journalist, Alejandro Horowicz is the author of "The Four Peronisms" (1985), his most notable work and with numerous reissues.

Critical and provocative, Horowicz has written a latest book: 'Kirchnerism unarmed, The long agony of the fourth Peronism' (2023), in which he addresses the future of this force that emerged after the 2001 crisis (explosion/corralito), and whose main references were Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

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While they tell you that in Davos they are going to fix the world

The Oxfam organization has just published a report on inequality in the world, “Inequality SA”, which has the subtitle “A huge concentration of corporate and monopolistic power is exacerbating inequality in the global economy.” A work that brings a lot of light in these days when the media is dedicated to reporting on the World Economic Forum or Davos Forum.

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Will Machado be able to repeat the Milei phenomenon?

Machado has been the protagonist in all attempts to violently take power, although now he claims to be a staunch supporter of the electoral confrontation with Chavismo. She was the standard bearer in the request for a foreign military invasion through the obsolete Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) and for years requested to radicalize the blockade and unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela, as a formula to remove Maduro from power.

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COP28, a “tragedy for the planet”

Up to 100.000 people - most of whom derive their professional status and income from politics, defense and climate-related businesses - flew to Dubai to attend COP28, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention United Nations on Climate Change. And the result? An unmitigated disaster.

In the final session, a weak and incoherent compromise resolution between oil-producing countries and smaller states and climate advocates – which did not call for phasing out fossil fuels – was accepted without dissent.

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