May Archives

Publications in May
EUGENIO GARCÍA GASCÓN At the end of March, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced a moratorium on his initiative to carry out a far-reaching judicial reform, which the opposition sees as a threat to the separation of powers in democratic countries. However, the prime minister made it clear that his intention is not to back down on the controversial reform, but only to postpone his parliamentary journey for an imprecise but not too long period of time.
RICARD GONZÁLEZ Istanbul Neither a battered economy with an inflation rate close to 50%, nor a devastating earthquake that exposed government corruption, nor a united opposition for the first time have been able to defeat Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is consolidating his hegemony over more than two decades. Certainly, this time the "sultan" could not seal his victory on the fast track in the presidential elections and will need a second round. However, having stayed at the gates of 50%, against 45% of his great adversary, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, only an electoral cataclysm could prevent his victory on May 28. In the legislative elections, his coalition did obtain an absolute majority of the 600 deputies in the Turkish Parliament. 
JAVIER GARCÍA Few companies in the world have been as attacked from a state as the Chinese technology company Huawei has been by the United States government. Blacklisted, prevented from doing business in the US and also from importing semiconductor material with minimal US technology or components anywhere in the world. Vetoed to install their 5G networks in many countries due to pressure from Washington, unable to use Google's Android operating system on their mobile phones. All this in the name of "national security", the new multi-purpose expression coined by Washington to twist when it suits competition on equal terms and the basic rules of the "free market" on which its entire economic system is supposedly based.