Why Israel wants to erase context and history in the war against Gaza

Dehistoricizing what is happening helps Israel and Western governments implement policies that they rejected in the past for ethical, tactical or strategic considerations. Thus, Israel uses the October 7 attack as a pretext to apply genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. It is also a pretext for the United States to try to reaffirm its presence in the Middle East. And it is a pretext for some European countries to violate and limit democratic freedoms in the name of a new “war on terror.”

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The transformation of Russia and the scenes of war

It took them years in Moscow to understand the seriousness of the Western globalist project that envisioned a subaltern Russia with a comprador national elite subordinated to the large Western transnationals. They were slow to understand that there was no intention of recognizing "sovereignties" or private preserves of the Russian oligarchic elite derived from the traditional state control that this elite has of business, privatizations and embezzlement in the largest country in the world.

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Can Europe survive this moment?

A new-old ghost hangs over Europe: war. The most violent continent in the world in terms of the number of deaths caused by wars during the last 100 years (not to go any further and include the deaths suffered by Europe during religious wars and the deaths inflicted by Europeans on peoples subjected to colonialism) is headed for a new war.
Nearly 80 years after World War II, the most violent conflict yet, which killed between 70 and 85 million people, the coming war may be even deadlier. All previous conflicts began apparently without a compelling reason and were supposed to last for a short time.

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