Planet Gaza

Beyond the cruel genocidal slaughter underway, the most terrible thing about what is happening before our eyes in Gaza is that it offers a perspective for the future. The attitude of Western governments, their media and propagandists, contains a clear warning about how the privileged part of this world can solve the dead end to which the capitalist system invented and defended by them has led us in this century.

The solution is the one used for centuries by those same powers that today fear being displaced from the command bridge: decimate populations and seize resources through war.

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Exterminate all the brutes

When the occupied refuse to submit, when they continue to resist, we abandon all pretense of our “civilizing” mission and unleash, as in Gaza, an orgy of slaughter and destruction. We get drunk on violence. This violence drives us crazy. We kill with reckless ferocity. We become the beasts we accuse the oppressed of being.

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Martín Medem: the idea of ​​public service that governed the media has been adulterated

José Manuel Martín Medem is a veteran Spanish journalist specialized in Latin American information. He was a correspondent for RTVE in Mexico, Colombia and Cuba for a decade and is now a member of its Board of Directors. In 1982, he was awarded the National Human Rights Journalism Award.

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Who decides who is a terrorist?

After the attack by Hamas on Israel, the hackneyed concept of terrorism has returned to the present, with which it is intended, through this accusation, to disavow some and, through the fight against it, legitimize the actions of others.

It is assumed that, at least the press and journalists, should use language in a neutral way, not conditioned by the bias of certain political powers. According to the RAE, terrorism is “Domination by terror” or “Succession of acts of violence carried out to instill terror.” It is evident that under this consideration we could include many issues that the media never think of calling terrorism.

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Carmen Domingo: “In the world of football, equality between men and women has never been assumed”

Carmen Domingo is a Spanish philologist and feminist writer. Many of her works have focused on research and dissemination of the history of women in our country during the 2022th century. In recognition of them, she was appointed curator of Women Writers' Day at the National Library in XNUMX. We spoke with her about the Rubiales case.

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The news has nothing to do with newsworthiness

It's not that editors coordinate with each other across the media or receive instructions on what to report from oligarchs and government agencies, it's that if they were the kind who needed to do those things to know what to report, they wouldn't be working where they work.

How did the mainstream press know to ignore the scandal of a Ukrainian Nazi being applauded in the Canadian parliament? How did they know how to discredit Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn? How do they know how to support all wars while ignoring homelessness and economic injustice? It sure isn't "common sense."

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Political hatred, sign of the times in the West

Every day there are more people calling for authoritarianism, in Israel, Spain, the United States, Argentina and other Western countries. Puzzled by the complexity that the world has been acquiring, a complexity that continues to grow, these people ask for immediate and simple solutions to complex problems, creating a dizzying whirlpool that we do not know where it will lead.

Those who think opposite hate each other, without reconciliation seeming possible. It is a vitiated atmosphere that permeates the entire West, not just in Israel. And with growing intolerance it is not sending a good signal or creating a better future, quite the opposite.

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The Red Wolf, the latest Israeli turn of the screw in the control of the Palestinians.

The Israeli Army has deployed a previously unreported facial recognition system at checkpoints in Hebron, known as “Red Wolf.” When a Palestinian passes through a checkpoint where the Red Wolf operates, his face is scanned without his knowledge or consent and compared to biometric data from databases that contain information exclusively on Palestinians.

The surveillance system used by Israel contributes to restricting freedom of movement in the context of long-term Israeli occupation, illegal settlements and annexation, perpetuating spatial segregation and fragmentation of Palestinians. Ultimately, Israel contributes to the maintenance of the apartheid system.

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Suso de Toro: I declare myself against the idea of ​​a unitary and centralist Spain embodied by the House of Bourbon


Suso de Toro is a Galician writer with more than twenty published books of fiction, theater and essays. He has received various distinctions, including the Spanish National Fiction Prize for his novel “Trece badaladas” (Thirteen Bells) or the Critics' Prize for “Tic-Tac”.

In 2019 he ran in the general elections, closing the list for A Coruña of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG). We chatted with him about the territorial model and the fact that Galician, Catalan and Basque can be spoken for the first time these days in the Spanish Parliament. 

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The end of French neocolonialism in Africa?

On September 16, the governments of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger created the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) in Bamako, the Malian capital.

It is clear that it is not a simple military or security pact. It remains to be seen whether these countries will be able to create an economic agenda that benefits their people and thereby ensure that France has no means to exert its authority over the region.

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“The Fukushima spills cause serious deterioration to the marine environment”

Shaun Burnie has been the nuclear specialist at the NGO Greenpeace since 1991. He has worked in East Asia for more than 30 years, and has been well acquainted with the Fukushima facilities since the 1990s. We spoke to him about the Tokyo Government's decision to dumping contaminated water from the plant into the Pacific.

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The real threat from China: they have a better capitalist system than ours

What are we doing to train the doctors and scientists needed to find our way in the XNUMXst century? What are we doing to bring the dispossessed into the economy, to address drug addiction and the rest of our social ills? What are we doing (I mean seriously) to repair and build the infrastructure we need?

The Chinese challenge could and should be understood as an opportunity to reinvent the US through a Great Mobilization on the magnitude of the New Deal. Of course, this idea is nothing more than hot air. Instead, we are sacrificing this historic opportunity in favor of military-industrial development.

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